


untenable英 [ʌnˈtenəbl] 美 [ʌnˈtɛnəbəl] untenable 基本解释untenable的解释形容词(尤指辩论中的立场)站不住脚的; 不能维持的; 难以防守的; 不能租赁的untenable
the beginning



假如我們想交朋友,就應該先出來替別人做些事情,需要時間、精力、公義、體恤的事情。 真誠的對別人發生興趣 時刻保持微笑,他是我們與人相處最好的方式 我也改掉原有對人的批評,把斥責人家的話,換成贊賞和鼓勵。我再也不會說我需要什麼,而是盡量去接受別人的觀點。眼前的演變,已改變了我原有的生活,現在我是一個跟過去完全不同的人了,一個比過去更快樂,更富有的人。

untenable [ʌnˈtenəbl]  [ʌnˈtɛnəbəl] 

untenable 基本解释


形容词(尤指辩论中的立场)站不住脚的; 不能维持的; 难以防守的; 不能租赁的

untenable 网络解释

5. therefore, this argument is untenable that shen jin was put to death because he exposed seven items requisition of russia.

6. having accepted that his own position as president was untenable, marc ravalomanana handed power to a group of senior military figures.

7. i find your theory is untenable and it must be rejected.

8. dreamt that i was enclasp the girder untenable at the top of the bridge, yet someone want to pull me down.

9. they considered the trial judge`s award of exemplary damages to have been essentially premised on two grounds (that aru had suffered no compensable loss as a result of the respondents` torts; and that the injunctive orders would not adequately deter future breaches) both of which they considered untenable.


10. untenable = inviable = unable to hold, to be maintained.

11. to make matters worse, she contends that it is ultimately untenable, and she devotes the bulk of her article to uncovering the problems.

12. untenable

12. he gives us a untenable excuse to explain the absentation.

13. of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights ofproperty, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appeareconomically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirelyrevolutionising the mode of production.

14. as its theory catches up with its practice, and as it becomes aware of its untenable silent assumptions, a newly articulate sex therapy will deserve the support of every rational person.

15. what government could take the risk of further enmeshing itself in an american economy that is widely seen as having drawn the global system into an untenable dependence on low-grade debt?

16. previous explanations of the rising ****orce rate in china are simply untenable.

17. the theory that nü shu is the outcome of homoerotism is untenable.

18. the researches of these scholars have shown that the old theory is untenable.

19. untenable的意思

19. this argument is clearly untenable -- in the insured amount paid to the proportion of the total price can easily solve the problem.

20. untenable的翻译

20. he moved on in silence, as if his energies were benumbed by the hitherto undreamt-of possibility that his position was untenable.

untenable 词典解释

1. (论点、理论或立场)经不起反驳的,不堪一击的,站不住脚的
    an argument, theory, or position that is untenable cannot be defended successfully against criticism or attack.

    e.g. this argument is untenable from an intellectual, moral and practical standpoint...
    e.g. he claimed the charges against him were untenable.

untenable 单语例句


1. without a moral compass or a legal basis for his actions, he cannot long survive his untenable posture of offending all his east asian neighbors.

2. without a moral compass or a legal basis for his actions, he cannot long survive his untenable posture of reckless adventurism in forging a foreign policy.

3. palestinians fear jewish settlement enclaves would render a future state untenable by breaking it up into pieces.

4. abdullah said yesterday the government will not reverse its decision to cut fuel subsidies, reiterating that the subsidies were untenable amid rising world oil prices.

5. he added any irresponsible remarks on china's national defence construction to maintain state security and territorial integrity were untenable.

6. the dalai's goal for " tibet independence " is untenable and unsustainable.

7. this momentum would have been untenable without the relatively peaceful international environment and domestic political stability during this period.

8. but while her body is now not as sound as her mind, she admits the previous situation was untenable.

9. as for the assumption that china's rapid rise would pose a threat for russia, he rejected it as totally untenable.

10. other countries were reducing their staff well before wednesday, already finding the security situation untenable.

untenable 英英释义


1. (of theories etc) incapable of being defended or justified

    synonym: indefensible




the end











